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Custom aluminum fuel tanks for boats are built based on specs and drawings. Bring us drawings or your old tank, because we can replicate old tanks to be exactly the same.
The United States Coast Guard has specific guidelines for fuel tanks that we follow.
Fuel tanks can be square, rectangular, or v-bottom shaped. We have a CNC press brake that is capable of bending the aluminum plate up to 90 degrees. Tanks that have bends in the corners are always better than welding two ends together. We typically bend the belly of the tank out of one big piece, and then attach the 2 ends of the tank. We weld the lid to the tank sides and plug weld the lid to the baffles. The internal baffles have notches that eliminate air pockets within the corners.
The tanks can have mounting brackets welded on as well. Tanks with mounting brackets are more securely mounted to the boat. We either TIG weld of MIG weld the tanks. We MIG weld the insides of the tank to increase efficiency and TIG weld the fittings of the tank to increase accuracy. Our Fuel Tanks are pressure tested to make sure that there aren't any leaks.
We price our tanks based on the amount of gallon capacity, shape, and size. For a quote, please contact us.